* Each qualified sponsor (Platinum, Gold and Silver Sponsor status) will be invited to deliver one “Virtual Sponsor Session” on Day One or Day Two of the event. Exact schedule and length of presentation of the Sponsor Session is to be arranged by the hosting university, subject to the final event program. Typical session length may be 30 mins (Platinum and Gold Sponsor status) or 15 mins (Silver Sponsor status). Qualified sponsors will be able to make use of the Sponsor Sessions to:
a. Present best practices of their technologies and products. This can be done by an academic presenter, trainer, guest speaker or the sponsor
b. Conduct workshops
c. Host user group meetings where users can share their user experiences and feedback on the products or services which they are currently engaged with. Individual users may also include Professors or Scholars, etc., and or
d. Demonstrate their latest products/systems and allow attendees to have hands on experiences and ask questions during the demonstration.
Note: As the participants of eLFA includes practitioners and academic leadership, the presentations should focus on exemplar case studies of the use of technologies and adopting new pedagogies.