Digital Ethics: Navigating Disruption in Higher Education

Digital Transformation in Learning and Teaching: Opportunities and Challenges

Preserving “The Teacher Within” in Virtual Learning Environment
Greetings from Soegijapranata Catholic University (SCU) !
In response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), the 16th eLearning Forum Asia (eLFA 2021) will be held virtually this year. As one of the eLearning pioneers, UNIKA is delighted to host the second virtual eLFA and is looking forward to bringing the same exchange opportunities to our participants in this new format. Amid the recent crisis, eLearning and its surrounding technologies and pedagogies play a key role in facilitating student learning and enlightening teaching ideas. The theme of this year, “Augmenting the Virtual Environment: Technology – Innovation – Humanity”, invites thought leaders and educational practitioners in exploring innovative elearning practices to meet the diverse learning needs of students and preparing them for the future in this fast-changing world.
The present COVID-19 pandemic, and the resulting lockdowns in Indonesia and throughout the world, has affected the mobility of students in unprecedented ways. Students have been largely unable to visit campuses in-person, interact with their classmates and lecturers, or receive academic, technical, or support services on campus. Technological advancements, which have allowed educators to quickly modify and transfer in-person courses to online course designs, have been less successful in facilitating meaningful engagement with students. Parallel to these challenges, many colleges and universities have moved to quickly adopt institution-wide educational continuity plans to streamline the educational delivery process. These plans often include the acquisition and integration of commercially available large-scale learner management platforms, the adopt of which has spurred a series of ethical questions as to the benefit of such systems to institutions and students versus the benefit to technology corporations. This conference will bring educators and technologists together for a type of ‘pause’, an opportunity to take stock of the rapid technological and educational movements of the past year and to consider the long-term benefits and challenges to students and institutions of learning.
Specifically, this forum will bring educators and technologists to:
- Share virtual experiences
- Showcase teaching innovations
- Share insights and ideas on balancing students’ needs and challenges and teaching goals
The conference topics are related but not limited to:
- Adaptive e-learning
- (Augmented) virtual reality
- Learning oriented devices and networks
- Learning-oriented technologies
- Online learning
- Social games
- Assessment of e-learning
- Curriculum and syllabus design
- Tools and platforms
- Digital ethics
Please join us online from November 30 – December 1, 2021 for enthusiastic discussions and networking opportunities with like-minded members of the educational settings in Asia.

“Ethical Considerations towards Technology Contribution in an Era of a Rapidly Changing Society: the Responsibilities of Higher Education”

“Modest Augmented Reality Technology for Education”

Patrachart Komolkiti
“HE Crossroads: Threats and Opportunities”